Ethanol (C2H6O)
Sugar fermantation into ethanol (C2H6O) – also known as ethylic alcohol or alcohol – is one of the oldest biotechnologies used to produce alcoholic beverages. It is used as a solvent or disinfectant in industries and as a raw material to produce many compounds. If concentrated and hydrated, ethanol becomes bioethanol – a biofuel (European E85) – that is mixed with gasoline or diesel.
Ethanol effects on health
Ethanol (C2H6O) is a colourless volatile liquid with a sweet smell detectable from 84 ppm. It can easily be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Intoxication acute symptoms by ingestion are well-known and essentially neuropsychic: intellectual and physical excitation, coordination deficiency then alcohol coma and even respiratory paralysis.
CAS-Number: 64-17-5.
Compatible products

Wide range of sensors
The XDI-F1 Gas Sensor is capable of utilizing a wide range of sensor cell types offering an unmatched number of gases that may be monitored. Standard 4~20mA signaling with CANbus address enables the sensors to be networked via the WatchGas Combi control system or customer preferred monitoring systems.